SO I’m changing the pace up today and doing something a liiiittle different. Ok, a lot different – but with a new year comes new goals, new ideas, and sometimes a new ‘you’ – and this book would be a GREAT one to start the year out with to set you on the right path.
Ok, for starters, let me tell you how I was introduced to this book. One of my coworkers felt led to do something “uncomfortable” for God this Fall. She felt challenged to step out of her comfort zone, so she led a Bible Study group at our work. I, along with a few other women jumped at the chance and thus were introduced to “Unglued” by Lysa TerKeurst.
I could sum up “Unglued” by saying it’s a ‘good self-reflecting book’…but that wouldn’t be doing it justice. It’s SUCH a ‘good self-reflecting book’ that it deserves its own blog post. “Unglued” is a compilation of stories of where Lysa had come ‘unglued’ (aka frazzled, angry, bitter, loud, nasty, manipulative…etc., etc. you get the point) – and how she’s taken time during the moment/after the moment to reflect on WHY she became that way and her ongoing struggle of becoming a better person.
Let’s face it, we all react and think negatively ALL THE TIME. Wouldn’t you like to change that? With reading this book I’ve found myself digging deeper within to figure out why I think this, why I dislike that, why that person annoys me, why I’d like to create a voodoo doll of this person (ok, maybe that’s a stretch, but you get the idea).
Lysa’s writing style has a friendly-feel and is super easy to read. While reading the book for my Bible Study I only read the assigned chapters for each session as opposed to reading the book all the way through at once. If you do pick this book up, I recommend doing a slower-pace reading (even if you’re reading by yourself) so you can take a few days to reflect on what you’ve read/make notes/let it sink in before moving on to the next chapters.
While I don’t think you need to be in a group setting to gain a plethora of self-reflecting-goodness from this book, I do think it was beneficial to hear other people’s reactions to the chapters…so if you ever need a second persons perspective – I’m here! Seriously, I’m here.