Monday, October 21, 2013

SHE SAID - (Unfortunately I'm) Down With the Sickness

So if you don't know the song "Down With the Sickness" that title probably made zero sense, but it's ok, I'll forgive you - as long as you forgive me of failing to do a makeup video this week. I had full intentions of filming my second "Fall Look" this weekend....then I got sick on Thursday...and now I sound like a man and am hacking up a lung every two seconds.  Basically, it's not pretty, and if you're like me, when you're sick, makeup is the last thing you feel like putting energy towards.  For the past two days all I've managed to put on my face (besides face wash/moisturizer) is a little bit of concealer...and that's just so I don't feel like I look unbearable - my face always decides to go breakout crazy when I'm sick!  Dear doctor friends - is this normal?  I could probably Google that, but that takes effort...and writing this up is all the effort I'm putting forth on the internet today.  So now I'm off to have Nurse Winston continue to take care of me till Derek gets home from work.  

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