Thursday, August 29, 2013

SHE SAID - 7th Grade Magic

7th grade - the magical year I was allowed to start wearing makeup to school.  This was a BIG MOMENT for me.  As I mentioned before in a previous post, I've loved makeup from a very young age, but up until 7th grade I was always playing with makeup.  This was the real deal - I was growing into a young lady...ok, ok, let's be honest, I didn't really blossom until about four years later, but you get my point.  

My mom knew this moment was special for me, so she made a big to-do about it - we ventured to the department store to get my first 'real' makeup.  Fancy, huh?!  I remember approaching the makeup counter, and I swear - I swear - it had a heavenly glow around it and I heard angels singing.  (Ok, maybe that was just the fluorescent lights and music coming out of the ceiling speakers, but let's not go spoiling my glory).  My greedy fingertips quickly found the dozens of eyeshadows that were on display as samples.  I tried to keep my cool and downplay how excited I was, but I can distinctly remember thinking makeup shopping and swatching colors was the absolute COOLEST.THING.EVER.  Funny thing is, fifteen years later testing out makeup is still one of the things that makes me happiest in life!  After a bit of swatching, mom allowed me to get three things: 1) pressed face powder, 2) blush, and 3) a duo eyeshadow of neutral browns. We then went and got clear mascara to keep with the don't-over-do-it-you-are-only-twelve theme (smart parents).  

I carried my shiny new powder compact around with me 24/7!  Bringing out that jade green piece of plastic in public was like a badge of honor for me.   Wearing makeup made me feel pretty-and knowing it was department store makeup-now THAT made me feel sophisticated (ohhlala).  Like I said, my parents had me keep it very natural and basic for starters, so it wasn't until 8th grade when my previously inner makeup-explorer made its outward public debut....don't worry, I'll tell you alllllll about that in another post.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SHE SAID - Ohhh How I Love A Side-Pony

Yes, it's true.  I do love a good side-pony.  I've always been the girl with short hair.  Or so it seems that way in my head.  Through all of high school and most of college my hair was shoulder-length or shorter.  This lack-of-luscious-length really hindered my side-pony ability.  Until now.  Or well, until I grew my hair out about a foot longer than normal.  There are so many possibilities for fixing it!  It does take a bit longer to fix than my short hair, but I'm having fun with it while I can.  So, for starters, I'll show you the length I feel my hair 'has always been'.

Now, let me show you some of my side-pony fun.  I learned the basics of these braids on YouTube and have tweaked most of them to my liking.  I'm proudest of the DNA-looking one just because that was one of my specialty tweaks! :)

Ohhh how I love me a side-pony!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

SHE SAID - In The Beginning...

In the beginning God created a girl that loved her some makeup. Ok, so maybe I wasn't a makeup lover from birth, but only because my little baby brain didn't know it existed yet! Once I was introduced to makeup as a toddler, it was all downhill from there.

My mom used to let me play in the makeup she no longer used, so my tiny little kid hands went to work. What I remember most vividly was acting as if I had my own makeup TV show when I was about 4 or 5. I had a lighted mirror that I would cut on after turning off all the lights in my room, then I would place a towel around my neck/shoulders, and my show was ready to begin!  Apparently I thought doing makeup was super messy and towel-worthy (or maybe my mom made me do that come to think of it...who knows?!)  Anyways, I'd begin each show by saying to the mirror (AKA - my loving imaginary TV viewers) "Now remember, your face is your canvas and you are the artist".  Seriously, I would say that - I'm not joking, hah.  I would have so much fun just playing with the makeup and feeling proud of myself for what I'd created. Little did I know (since internet was yet to be widely introduced) that I was going through the motions of what so many fellow makeup lovers would be doing on YouTube 15 years later - sharing makeup tips, exploring creativity, and being all-around-flat-out-no-lie-obsessed-with-makeup.  So I'm late to the blogger/YT game make-up wise.  Oh well, you gotta start somewhere! 

So After a 4 Month Hiatus...

I'm taking over!!  I, as in Rachel.  That's right.  I'm going to be doing a few 'She Said' posts while we gather out thoughts on how to best convey our Dave-Ramsey-Is-Cool-And-You-Should-Do-His-Stuff thoughts. :)  Because we do love the DR!

Annnnnyyyywayyysss - this little tidbit is just to inform you that there IS more to come from the blog DR-wise....we're just really bad at writing the posts for it, haha.  

For my 'She Said' sessions, I plan on mostly writing about makeup and other girly things, but maybe I'll throw in some basic 'life' stuff.  Who knows?!  I'm setting no boundaries!  (AKA: I want to blog about makeup but if I come up idea-less I'll do something else just to keep the posts going!)

Now, I'm off to write the first 'She Said' post!  Wish me luck!