Saturday, August 24, 2013

SHE SAID - In The Beginning...

In the beginning God created a girl that loved her some makeup. Ok, so maybe I wasn't a makeup lover from birth, but only because my little baby brain didn't know it existed yet! Once I was introduced to makeup as a toddler, it was all downhill from there.

My mom used to let me play in the makeup she no longer used, so my tiny little kid hands went to work. What I remember most vividly was acting as if I had my own makeup TV show when I was about 4 or 5. I had a lighted mirror that I would cut on after turning off all the lights in my room, then I would place a towel around my neck/shoulders, and my show was ready to begin!  Apparently I thought doing makeup was super messy and towel-worthy (or maybe my mom made me do that come to think of it...who knows?!)  Anyways, I'd begin each show by saying to the mirror (AKA - my loving imaginary TV viewers) "Now remember, your face is your canvas and you are the artist".  Seriously, I would say that - I'm not joking, hah.  I would have so much fun just playing with the makeup and feeling proud of myself for what I'd created. Little did I know (since internet was yet to be widely introduced) that I was going through the motions of what so many fellow makeup lovers would be doing on YouTube 15 years later - sharing makeup tips, exploring creativity, and being all-around-flat-out-no-lie-obsessed-with-makeup.  So I'm late to the blogger/YT game make-up wise.  Oh well, you gotta start somewhere! 

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